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Final Model of Romsdal Folk Museum

There is an exhibition soon and we have already done our final model! It was fun to work with friends in a group. Here is our final model of the Romsdal Folk Museum.

First Model of Romsdal Folk Museum

We have learned a lot of things about modelling such as how to use mesh, or how to create abstract model of any project. This is our first model of group project.

Pre-Jury (Field)

After creating maps we transformed these maps to 3D model in Rhino. Prejury assignment want to show maps on 3D environment.


After going to Botanik park, we collect data and create new maps according to these data. Black ones for shadow condition and red ones for wind condition. Line sequence means shadow or wind sequence as well.


For sure you can see my tears on the drawing. The hardest assignment I guess but I get an AA!.


We all thought it is too early to make a portfolio but it was not! One of the assignments that I enjoy making.


After having 2D data maps we transferred to 3D environment. We tried something like this for the first time I am sure it was hard for everyone. Here are some photos.


This assignment was so new for everyone. We went to Botanik Park and collect some data. In the end, we had maps that were full of information and there are some of them.

Final Poster

This poster is my final poster. That needs to contain all important information about proposal. It have to explain my whole proposal without a verbal explanation. I believe I reach that.


Again ARCH111. I guess it was the most enjoyable assignment ever! There wasn’t a limitation on the material. I prefer to use charcoal and artline pen. But I believe it may be more beautiful if I use colorful pens. It is necessary to keep in mind that there is always the limitation of time even…

Poster Design

We were preparing a real speech poster for Berin Hoca. It was my first poster design. While designing a poster we should be aware of alignment. Also, the hierarchy is so important. The human eye must catch all of the important parts first then if the person who looks for the poster is interested, may…

Creating Voids

You can see my last project which theme is continuity of voids. Also, my first elements were basic geometries. After the different types of operations, they start to appear some kind of voids. I made operations to lead to continuity of voids. You can see how voids appear between operated elements from the picture of…

Abstacted Modelling

In the first weeks of the ARCH101 course, when someone says abstraction nothing appeared in my mind. Before modeling, I went and saw the ethnography museum. While I wandering inside, I recognize that one part of the building wasn’t open to the public. You can’t see the black part on the model in the real…

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